In this exercise, participants will learn to articulate a shared model that outlines the interventions and desired outcomes required to achieve a long-term systemic vision.
Step 01
DEFINE LONG-TERM VISIONIdentify the overarching goal or vision for the system. Ensure it is clear, inspiring, and driven by mission-driven values and principles.
Step 02
IDENTIFY SYSTEMIC OUTCOMESBrainstorm and document the key outcomes or changes that need to occur to achieve the long-term systemic vision. Consider various levels of impact, including individual, organisational, societal, and ecological outcomes.
Step 03
DETERMINE INTERVENTIONSDiscuss and define the specific actions, strategies, or programs that will be implemented to achieve the desired systemic outcomes. Consider the resources, capacities, and partnerships required to support these interventions.
Step 04
ESTABLISH INDICATORSDevelop measurable indicators or metrics for each outcome to track progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions. Ensure the indicators are relevant, realistic, and systemically oriented.
Step 05
OUTLINE ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKSIdentify the underlying assumptions and potential risks that may influence the success of the interventions and achievement of the outcomes. Discuss strategies to mitigate risks and validate or challenge the assumptions throughout the implementation process.