In this exercise, participants will learn to explore the potential direct and indirect consequences of a specific event, decision, or trend, to anticipate their implications.
Step 01
IDENTIFY THE FOCUSChoose a specific event, decision, or trend as the central focus for the exercise. Ensure it is clear, concise, and thematically relevant.
Step 02
MAP DIRECT IMPACTSBrainstorm and document the immediate consequences or outcomes resulting from the central focus. Explore diverse perspectives and be divergent in your thinking to identify a wide range of potential impacts.
Step 03
EXPLORE INDIRECT IMPACTSFor each direct impact, brainstorm and document secondary or indirect consequences that could arise. Consider the ripple effects and how they may interact with other aspects of the system.
Step 04
ANALYSE AND DISCUSSDiscuss the identified impacts, considering their likelihood, significance, and potential implications. Prioritise the most critical or relevant impacts and consider how to address and/or adapt to them.
Step 05
EXPLORE NEW FOCUSSelect one or more prioritised impacts as new focal points, and repeat the impact mapping process. This iterative approach helps deepen the understanding of potential consequences and reveals additional layers of complexity within the system.